June 15, 1980 When Scott Chamness skated onto the ice four years ago his first varsity hockey game for Archbishop Carroll High School, he gathered his teammates around him, and announced, “We’re gonna tear this league apart.” The league Chamness was referring to was the Inter-County Hockey league and, although nobody knew it a the time, he was right. The Inter-County League, and area hockey in general hasn’t been the same. His contributions are more than just the staggering point totals he has amassed, Chamness, more than any other player made hockey a major scholastic sport in Southeastern Pennsylvania. That may seem an overstatement. He is, after all, an 18-year old just one week out of high school. But Chamness created the one thing that hockey in local schools always lacked – the media interest to put the sport on a par with the established sports. When school opened in […]
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